Saturday, March 2, 2013


Do you trust me? asked aladdin trying to convince jasmine to hop on the magic carpet. She said yes and hopped on. I wanna find somone that trusts me, I wanna find someone that doesnt know the old me, that doesnt know all of the bad things ive done, and sure ill tell them, but i want them to see me for who i am, not who i was. I want to trust that this person will know me, and not judge me for who i was. That person was who i was, but that person is not who i am. Aladdin had to realize that he wanted jasmine more then money, and I believe that i have to realize that i want a relationship more then a girl. I want to find someone that i can make it through with. I wanna find someone who respects me, for me, and respects my goals, and i want someone with goals. To my future wife- I love you, and I know its hard for you right now, because its hard for me. Wherever you are, just know God is putting me through some heavy things, so our relationship, can glorify Him, and glorify others, and our marriage will be one of integrity, honesty, love, courage, struggles, but we will love each other and God will be on our side.

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