Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Bill Isaacs told us today, that anytime we were about to do something amazing for HIm, or we are going through a hard time to ask the question " How did I get here?" wow. I am struggling so much, but when I look back just about 6 months ago, i realize ive grown at least a little bit. Im trusting God, and Im thinking of His plan for my life everyday. He wants me to keep looking up, and do hard things for him. So yeah, im not going to sugar coat it, its hard, and today was pretty difficult, escpecially dealing with all this insecurity crap, but when i look back, it gives me hope. A new hope.<---Nerdy star wars reference. To my future wife- Before you knew me, i was a complete douche bag, and I probably wouldnt have respected you, or even acted like a man, but ive grown, and im growing for our kids, and the lives we will change. I love you, and although i may not know you yet, I am praying for you, and if you are going through things im sorry, and keep looking up, because God has a plan for your life, and for our relationship.

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