Thursday, March 21, 2013


We are going to a church in Macon today, by the time i post this, we'll either already be there, or we'll be home. I am really excited to go! This is going to be a really cool experience and I'm going to take it for all its worth. Cassi just shared her testimony in the van, because she is giving hers at the service…..its really amazing and i hope someone is touched by it. Cassi, one day if you view this blog, just know that I love you, and you are such a good leader for all of us. I can't wait to spend next year w/ you. One day you are going to find a man, who will treat you great, and treat you the way your supposed to be treated. I love you.

 i can't stop thinking……my mind has been running ever since i got off the phone w/ nathan…. he said i should talk to my mom… just not sure…..Cassi did really good with her testimony……..everyone clapped when they heard hers……i didn't get a response…..until i actually performed it…….people here don't appreciate me…….and it sucks……they clapped for cassi but they didn't clap for me……its because her testimony was really good!! And i suck. Marissa if you ever read this, and if i ever get over you, or if we end up together……either one is amazing…..because right now i can't get over you and I really feel like God wants us to be together eventually, just not now because i need to grow…….and if i do…it'll also be a work of God, because i am like Jasmine and Aladdin in love w/ you. This is so hard for me….and the person i would normally talk to……my mom…….i don't wanna talk to her……..i wanna talk to you…….God is doing great things in your life, and that is so amazing!! i am literally in shock of the things he is doing in your family, and i am proud to see you growing, through all this. 
To my future wife: thank you for marrying me, because i don't deserve you…….

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