Sunday, March 24, 2013

A promise

 i dont wanna seem weak, so ill tell you its fine....ill tell you its fine, because if i ask for prayers, then ill have to act like they are ill act strong, like nothing is bothering me, and then eventually i will be strong....
Ill tell you its fine, because if im vulnerable.....ill get hurt.
if im vulnerable.....youll see my weaknesses
i hate my weaknesses....they make me insecure
im insecure about being alone....
yes thats true.....but thats not why i like you...ive come to the realization...its not my insecurities....its my heart.....and its God, now im not saying you are wrong with all your talk "NO COMMUNICATION!" "YOULL REGRET IT" i understand your logic....but dont demean, my feelings to insecurities.....because i promise you they are so much more then insecurities.....
insecurities ruin people...and i have them.....but you M.C. are not one of them...i promise you this, and at the end of this....even if we are....just glad i have you as a friend, and hopefully a best friend....i love you....

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