Thursday, March 14, 2013

Roots & Fruits

Reggie Dabbs (who BTW is not the coolest guy in the world) once said "Show me your friends and ill show you your future." I think that is true, but i think that before that, our childhood determines our friendships. I believe that your roots determine your fruits, unless something comes into your life, and changes things. Like Jesus, Mentors, Coaches, Brothers, or even girls, and those changes could be positive or negative, which cause a positive or negative reaction. My roots werent the prettiest but the people in my life, have helped grow and prune my fruits....Today my anger got the best of me, and i got physical, with John, and hit him.....and im sorry, i just get engulfed in emotions......and I accidently hit Marissa with a bottle in the head.....and i got the cold shoulder which kinda sucked.....i hate when she treats me like that....and then plays all flirty flirty with john and kirk....but its whatever....I cant really express that frustration....cause im like growing, and if i do share, people wont think im growing.....but i am sorry for hitting john and marissa....i just hope i dont get treated like crap tomorrow....because John and Marissa treated me like crap....i literally felt so alone.....the only thing i knew to do was to get violent....

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