Thursday, March 7, 2013


Ive never had sisters, and to say God wants me to view woman as sisters is absurd!! I think God wants me to view woman as the way I view my mom, not as an authority figure per say, but as someone to protect and hold close to my heart, to stand up for, to let them know i will be here for them and protect them, to encourage, and to build up.  See all the relationships I've had with girls, that are more then just friendships, have always been me trying to cover up an issue, or to mask the fears i had, and they were shallow, and i wanted intimacy, but i didn't have any commitment, so my challenge for this next couple of months is to show my sisters(mission) that i am committed to protect them, and that this is a time of discipline for me, and that i love them, and will stand up for them. My Goal for my entire life, is 1 timothy 5:2 To treat woman in my life with absolute purity, to stand up for them, and not to expect intimacy.

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