Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Today I went into MSK and I was ridiculously tired, and just ready to go to bed, and then randomly one of the kids came up to me and asked, if I would teach him how to do a dance move. So me and this kid began to dance, and eventually 4 or 5 kids were up there dancing with us! it was so cool, to see how influencial i can be in their lives. It actually made me think of my brothers, and how much growing they need to do, and how hard it is for them, because of my mom, and the things she to my future wife: I want you to know that anytime I am quarreling with my brothers to hold me accountable, and make me be the bigger person, because I can be a light in their life, and always help me realize how much I used to love kids, as a college student, and just how moldable their minds are. I love you, and I am praying for you and us, and how God is hopefully shaping you, and how he is shaping me.
~This post is for Brandon, Dylan, and Cj, I love you guys, and I am praying for you.

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