Saturday, March 9, 2013


This weekend I am going on a retreat w/ the youth kids which will be a lot of fun, and annoying at the same time! I miss her, a lot....and today some girls were playing t-swift in the van, so i kicked into melencholy mode....but im really ok....or at least i think i am. Im just going to keep telling my self that im ok, until i actually am. But honestly im not ok, and this weekend away should be good for me...I miss her a lot, and when i get over all this insecurity crap, maybe God has her in mind for me (its nights like this where I hope so)....i dont know, but i do know that...whoever my wife is...she will be beautiful, and i will think about her more then i do right now. To my future wife: This time in my life is hard, and whether your on my mind, or I havent met you yet, just know that I love you, and I will always put you before anyone else.

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