Thursday, March 14, 2013

Psalm 51

I am not alone. I am not alone. I am not alone. They care. They care. They care. These thoughts of negativity flood my brain like an enormous storm, and I'm drowning, I'm drawing in these thoughts, made up of pure emotion, and deceit and the enemy. God has given me people to show me I am not alone, the holy spirit, gives me opportunities. I cannot be secluded or deluged by my thoughts, when i am faced with the truth daily. No matter how many times she ignores me, or i feel like I am not good enough, God is trying to get inside and let me know its gunna be ok, and that He never lets go, that when He is silent it doesn't mean He is absent. But the enemies voice is so boisterous, and overwhelming, that that is the only thing i hear……I hear it over and over again….No one cares, you're gunna be alone the rest of your life, God can't use you, you don't belong here, just leave because its no worth it. God tells me something different. My prayer is Psalm God forgive my foolish ways, and help me to remember the passion I have in you. God break me! Till the only thing i can look at is you…..Give me a pure heart, and help me to seek your purpose for my life. To my future wife: Whenever i feel burnt out, or like i can't do it anymore…..give me psalm 51, as a guide. <3 I'm praying for our relationship daily, and that it wouldn't be like the relationships I've seen in the past, and that you will accept my faults, and strive to help me make them strengths. 

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