Friday, February 15, 2013


SuperMan- For those of you that don't know, Superman is a superhero created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, in 1938. He is my favorite character, of anything and someone(although fictional) I look up to. I have followed Superman and looked up to him since I was a little kid. The way he always stands for good, the way he carries himself, and the way he treats Louis Lane (his Gf).

Superman always stands for good, and always does things for the good of people, and carries himself with such a high stature. But i particularly love the way he treats Louis Lane. Superman and Louis Lane never end up together, this is due to Supermans love for her. Superman knows that the things he does will put Louis in danger. But He still always goes out of his way to save her. I have been dealing with my view of woman recently in the past year, and I am realizing that God is showing me something through super man, and that is that woman are something to protect, they are something to love, they are something to care for, and they are people. My challenge, is to view woman the way that Superman views Louis Lane, to put her needs and her growth above his wants for love. I want some one to love, and one day, I will have that. But right now God is asking me to put her needs, and my needs, above our wants. To view her(and all woman) with love, care, and respect, before fulfilling my needs.

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