Thursday, February 14, 2013

Process-Day 1

Today Is the day I started this blog, and it is also Valentines Day, so happy V-day! Todays word is Process. If no one ever even looks at this blog, but me, Im ok with that. In fact I wont post about it on my Facebook, or even talk about it. But the reason i chose the word process, is because this year I am growing, and it is a slow and painful growth. Which is something I believe takes more grasp on a person then a simple "amazing moment at the altar" But no process changes people, and it helps them learn. And my process is a year long discipleship program known as the mission. God is changing me and shaping me, and it is a long process, filled with uber melancholy moments, and extraordinary heart ache. But looking towards heaven is a way of knowing that this process is not in vain and God has something in store for me.

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