Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Seal my heart, from the things trying to get in that aren't of you, or for the good of me. Break my pride and help me to let people in. #inarutt #someonetotalk2 #sucks2suck #feelingalone #notalone

Monday, February 25, 2013


Well today I was attacked by a rock. It literally came out of no where and started like beating up on me.....I eventually took it down, and its gunna end up being a really good memory, so I have some pretty bad head aches but other then that im good. But today was a really good day! Went on a hike up blood mountain where i was viciously attacked. (irony), then came home to eat and watch some LXD, then it was off to kroger singing Disney tunes, and fresh prince with cheltzi and john. I love my mission family on days like today. Love yous guys!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


So today, we were working with Reggie Dabbs, and the last school we went to was a school for at risk kids, and I really related with a few of them as far as their past, and the situations they were in were so relatable. Today i saw God through a 18 year old sophomore, who I can impact, so i talked to jj and hopefully sometime soon i will be talking to these kids! I really saw God today, and with the things He is doing in kids life. #God #prayingforyoukid

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Buffalo Chicken

Today's lesson. If you use people, you typically find people that use people. I used someone and I was used. Situation handled. Moving on. Im not going to stop but keep moving! Oh, and there was 1/2 off pizza at Classic Tavern, so the guys got buffalo chicken pizza, while the girls danced to country music lol!! Anyway, im glad things were cleared up today, its time to move on, not because its good for me, but because its what i need!

Monday, February 18, 2013


So today was a relatively awesome day! I ate wings with the wonderful and amazing alysha dawkins, and was given some pretty astonishing advice from her! If you ever read this girl, I love you! Then I went out with the kids of Nexus Youth, and had 27 wings for 10 dollars! We then went to platos closet and I got a Hot pair of Polo shoes, and when I came back to work on something called "Summer Program" All the girls decided it would be funny to make Tyler throw up! So Cheltzi, Rissa, Lulu, and Amanda all decided it would be funny to keep burping, eventually causing me to throw up (because I think that girls farting and burping is disgusting). Then after i returned from the bathroom, i was almost put to tears because I am afraid of the dark, and the girls also decided to play on that fear! All in all it was an amazing day! I love my sisters, no matter how much they annoy me or tease me! They are pretty much the coolest big sister ever!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


You cant just stand there! Move! Today was an excellent day! I spent time with my mission family, and ended the day with walking dead. WHile watching the walking dead, a Jeep commercial came on tv, and one of the key lines was "anything worth accomplishing, isn't easy." God takes things in my life and uses them for change, but i cant ponder upon the mistakes or the hiccups, i simply move on, and do better. I broke a lot of peoples trust this weekend, and merely talking wont fix it, but the way to show them I'm letting go, is by moving, by not over thinking, or being melancholy but by moving on, and doing better. Happy Birthday Joseph!

Friday, February 15, 2013


SuperMan- For those of you that don't know, Superman is a superhero created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, in 1938. He is my favorite character, of anything and someone(although fictional) I look up to. I have followed Superman and looked up to him since I was a little kid. The way he always stands for good, the way he carries himself, and the way he treats Louis Lane (his Gf).

Superman always stands for good, and always does things for the good of people, and carries himself with such a high stature. But i particularly love the way he treats Louis Lane. Superman and Louis Lane never end up together, this is due to Supermans love for her. Superman knows that the things he does will put Louis in danger. But He still always goes out of his way to save her. I have been dealing with my view of woman recently in the past year, and I am realizing that God is showing me something through super man, and that is that woman are something to protect, they are something to love, they are something to care for, and they are people. My challenge, is to view woman the way that Superman views Louis Lane, to put her needs and her growth above his wants for love. I want some one to love, and one day, I will have that. But right now God is asking me to put her needs, and my needs, above our wants. To view her(and all woman) with love, care, and respect, before fulfilling my needs.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Patience:Day 2

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. John Burroughs 

Be still and know that I am God. Today is a new day, although posted very early this morning, it is today during the day. I have had many things on my mind today, but mostly its been a girl. Which is kind of ironic because today is supposed to be about that. But not here. Not in the mission. Here i am supposed to be focusing on God, and the things He has in store for me. Today is a hard day. But I know that my God is my God, and He will never change. My God has a plan, and He just wants me to be still, and not worry about a girl. Patience is todays word, because God is asking me to have patience, to wait, to just be still. God has things in store for me, but its just time to wait, and wait diligently. God has things in store, but in order to fulfill his promises I must have patience and simply look to Him right now.

Process-Day 1

Today Is the day I started this blog, and it is also Valentines Day, so happy V-day! Todays word is Process. If no one ever even looks at this blog, but me, Im ok with that. In fact I wont post about it on my Facebook, or even talk about it. But the reason i chose the word process, is because this year I am growing, and it is a slow and painful growth. Which is something I believe takes more grasp on a person then a simple "amazing moment at the altar" But no process changes people, and it helps them learn. And my process is a year long discipleship program known as the mission. God is changing me and shaping me, and it is a long process, filled with uber melancholy moments, and extraordinary heart ache. But looking towards heaven is a way of knowing that this process is not in vain and God has something in store for me.