Sunday, April 28, 2013

Havent blogged in awhile.

Well its been a really long time since i blogged, but todays word is FEAR, us as humans are to concerned with this emotion of how it makes us feel. 2 timothy 1:7. In the begining God said it is good, it was good, and it still is good!! I personally am way to overpowered at times with my fear of the future, an the unknowness of the future. It is a trust issue, and when we fear, it puts a lack of trust or faith on God.
To my future wife: God has us in his hands, and i love you, and still pray for you daily. Trust God because he knows the future, and he wont let you fall.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5

Im honestly sick and tired of everyones attitude.......missing home, it feels like noone cares......w/e......alone. To my future wife: i hope you are praying for me cause i need it....cause noone here is praying for me, and i just feel really alone, and in a down mood..... i really dont have anybody here.....i really just wanna come home on most days..... people care there.....I'm praying for you, and hope you are ok.

Red bull, and paint.

Well today, i had a 20 oz. red bull and, it was crazy!!! I got like really hot all the sudden and i could barely speak......i think it was the red bull, but i keep telling everyone it wasnt, they are just really good lol!! But we painted and rearranged our room, so now the projector will look really good, and there is room for me to dance!! To my future wife: i love you, always remember that i love you.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spontaneous Ministry

We did a ministry project, where we had 2 hours to go out and help the community, it was so much fun! To my future wife: help remember the root of ministry, and why i do what i do. I love you, and am praying for you daily.

Friday, March 29, 2013

No Time!

Well the internet at the apartments will be gone tomorrow......thats crap.....we will have no time to do homework or anything.....To you: I love you, and your situation will get better, i love you, and am praying for you. To my future wife: If its you im sorry that youre going through this....if not, im sorry for the things you have to deal with, and i am praying our relationship, that it will be glorious, and for God.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Crappy milk

So today i came home, and i went to the fridge and found out there was nothing to drink...except for Johns crappy mix in i tried it, and it tasted like deer terds. Today was a pretty good day, I mentored my kid, and he is beast at scrabble, then i went and ate like four hotdogs, then we worked for a couple hours on minstry prep...then we had off for like ten minutes and worked for the bible experience!! It was a busy and eventful day. To my future wife: I love you, and i am praying for you continually, the trials of today, are not the trials of tomorrow, thats not to say they are going to get easier, or harder...just know things change with time. I love you

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Me and My mommy started talking i love you, you are my best friend....i forgive you, and i love you.....tomorrow will be a good day!